still waiting for my badge to arrive lolol.
like i said in my last post, i am now a college student; economic major (focusing on management), batch 2012, international program. and life as a college student, well, it's pretty hectic. gonna tell you about opk in this post, because i can. probably things like open recruitments to being committees of feui events will follow, as well as a glimpse of the college life.
anywho. opk. orientasi pengenalan kampus. this is where we spent our nights doing essays and our days being ordered around by seniors — or komisi disiplin also known as komdis — that have enormous lung capacity because holy fuck their voices could reach the high heavens no problem. these seniors are professionals at yelling and not smiling and sometimes i wonder how the fuck was that even possible. i mean, really. it's like they were born as emotionless humans that are designed solely to scream at our faces. common phrases shouted by these komdis includes:
"Pandangan! Lurus! Ke depan!"
"Dipercepat!" (even though i resembled a fish gasping for oxygen by the time i reached the appointed destination)
"Nggak ada yang lucu, dek!"
it's quite amusing that a great deal of opk memories were dominated by them. they're like the symbol of opk, the physical manifestation that we're still under heavy scrutiny of everyone at our campus and that we're still somewhat intruders to their peaceful daily lives. the fact that we still have these seniors ordering us about just proved that we needed guidance and gave the impression that we couldn't do shit on our own in this beloved feui because we were simply newbies at that time. komdis acted as our escort, the people that were responsible for us and were just trying to steer us to the right path through a dose of tough love.
opk itself was really exhausting, somehow more physically than mentally. because yes, seniors do yell at us and they were harsh (as they should be), but running around campus with a chorus of "DIPERCEPAT!" and not sleeping for two straight days to do essays and standing below the scorching sun to get shouted at for our incompetence — well, my incompetence, cause i didn't quite finished my essays — were more draining than the mere words the seniors screamed at us.
hey, for your own convenience, i compiled a list of things that are cool and things that are not during opk (and pasca-opk)
things that are cool during opk and pasca-opk:
1. presentations of the various badan otonom (bo), badan semi-otonom (bso), and unit kegiatan fakultas (ukf) in feui. they went all out on their demonstration, and it seems like whatever your interest(s) is/are, there's an organization for it. i'm currently a member of the theatre ukf and is planning to be a part of perfek (perfilman) and perhaps ies (international economic students) too.
2. emphasis on unity and solidarity in our batch, feui2012. it's like everything we do, we do it in the name of feui2012. not as students of the regular, paralel, or international programs; not as management, accounting, or pure economics kids, but as one feui2012. a bit cheesy and delusional, sure. but it's a nice feeling anyway.
3. little hints of kindness from our komdis. rofl. here's a snippet of a conversation between kak rega dan kak kezia with a friend of mine.
my friend: kak, air minum aku habis ... aku sama yang lain dehidrasi dari tadi. bisa minta air nggak, kak?
kak rega: emang udah abis banget?
my friend: iya, kak.
kak kezia: temen-temen kamu? nggak ada yang bisa kamu minta?
my friend: kayaknya udah abis semua, kak ...
kak rega: yaudah, aku panggilin medic deh. tapi mereka juga kayaknya kehabisan. aku liat dulu.
kak kezia: yang lain juga kalo masih ada air dibagi-bagi sama temen-temennya.
it's like, they're trying to act tough and uncaring to us but their actions and words completely proved otherwise. so tsundere ya qaqa lololol
4. how there's always people that, when prompted, were brave enough to speak their minds. like when we were accused of cheating in our buku angkatan assignment, people spoke up about it. and also, some had the courage to talk back to the komdis. idk. somehow i find it rather refreshing, considering that bravery and courage to fight back is rare to find in the people that i hang out with (myself included)
5. the last day of pasca-opk, where we're all shepherded to kolam makara. man, that was so fucking awesome. the speeches were a bit corny, but that's to be expected from around here. talk of solidarity and endurance and whatnots, yada yada yada. the best part came after that, when we were told to wash our faces with the water from kolam makara (ew) and instead, someone shouted "CEBURIN KOMDIS!!" and of course that's exactly what we did. well, not "we", exactly. them. the boys, that is. me, i watched and laughed along as the people whose job was to frown and critic got drenched in the mouldy water from kolam makara. they smiled and hugged each other and bursted out laughing as well, and they're wet and stripped off of their authoritativeness and i personally think that look suited them better.
i gave kak mei a bar of soap and told her that would make her cleaner. she roared with laughter and ran off to tell her fellow komdis, and then came back to give me back my soap and to hug me. that was really pleasant, finding out that a komdis too, is human underneath.
kolam makara. a senior riddled us why our makara is gray. was too dumb to came up with an adequate answer lmao.
things that are not cool during opk and pasca-opk:
1. amount of essays. ew.
2. amount of running. ew.
3. the fact that we need to wear our yellow jackets (jaket kuning—jakun) and our elaborate nametags every fucking where. it's stuffy and hot and it makes it difficult to move without worrying about the nametags being damaged and shit. ugh.
4. i'm not really close with my groupmates. idk. apparently everyone is. maybe it's just me.
5. how my ass was cramped when we had to sit down on the mercilessly hard floor of pertamina hall for hours. hours, i tell you. try listening to whoever's in front when you're tired and drowsy as fuck and you can't move properly because of your nametags and your ass is pretty much glued to the ground for an indefinite time. like, seriously. it makes you super grumpy.
well, then. i suppose that's it about opk lol.
final thought? it was worth it. i mean it. really. despite all my complaints before/during/after opk, i didn't regret taking part of it, because it gives me memories, pleasant and not, and i'd have stories to tell to people about starting life as a university student. i gained experiences and friends and a whole new respect to my faculty. i got to know my seniors and the organizations in feui too. i learned a lot from the seemingly useless/burdensome tasks, and i couldn't be prouder to have finished them.
all in all, opk was fine. tiresome and exhausting, but nevertheless a fine event. thanks for everyone involved! c: (though i very much doubt they could/would even read this blog) that was a hell of an ospek.
katasha, out~ =3=
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