apdet karena sering bolos ngeblog


apdet #1

i've done uan. thank fucking god!

english was easy, and so is math (kinda), but bi and science ............... not so sure. i guess i'll pass though. i mean, the worse i could get is six, and we only have to redo the test if we get below five. so, pray for the best, and hope that i have 32 for my nem! (and avenue lulus smua deh)

apdet #2
nuy ibam putus, dio levin putus.

long story short, they're done. males bilangnya, soalnya agak private juga -,-

apdet #3
yearbook photo shoot is done too. i like the pictures a lot, but i'm only gonna give one, cause i'm lazy that way.

apdet #4
i've done my paper. including the table of contents, bibliography, and other craps that i used to be too lazy to do.

now, i just need to create an epic slideshow to match my epic presentation.

apdet #5
i failed the alizhar entrance exam. it's okay though, i didn't really put my mind and effort to the test, so yeah*

apdet #6
tyo donated fifteen million to the yearbook&graduation committee. which is, you know, a lot.

*i cried. a lot. so yeah, that's not really okay.

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