androoo and 8n :'(


random update, my classmate andro (one of my enemy haha :P) is sick! well not sick like cold or something but he break his arm on soccer at lunch. nuy and i know it from an elementary student that see him in the nurse station :(

the photo in facebook haha so many comments (ada yang dari orang nyebelin juga -_-)

he fall and his hand break waktu nahan badannya. dimas take him to the nurse station elementary, then pak yusuf take him to the high school nurse station and we meet him there. after we talk we go back to class and i miss him so muuucchh (there's not "hey gloria" again). vai and i miss him, and we got a banner for him! i want to visit him to the hospital but my brother has stupid uan so we're not going anywhere! D: andro will be back at tuesday so i'ts okay :)

anyway on friday we see 8a had mcdonald so 8n want to get food too. i want it to be burger king but too expensive haha :P i don't know if we really will have potluck but i sure hope we do! :D

okay i guess that's it. not pretty much going on zzz borriiiiing and there's many exams too. i got bad at math because i panic huhuu -__-' sose is easy but i sleep so there's a few questions i skipped (essay haha mampus) :/

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